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VTL - Privacy Policy

We invite you to explore this webpage and learn more about Privacy at VTL, including understanding the steps that we’ve taken to protect personal data globally. As a Business Services provider we process the personal data of our Clients’ employees on behalf of our Clients. In order to provide the highest level of data protection, VTL has adopted Corporate Rules for processing Client employee data and business contact data.

VTL Privacy Statement for Business Contacts

This Privacy Statement explains how VTL disclose Personal Data that we collect from Individuals or Companies & its Employees who subscribe to our App or visit our website or engage with us in business activities.

Types of Personal Data

By using the Site, you agree to follow and be bound by the following terms and conditions concerning your use of the Site. VTL App may revise the Terms of Use at any time without notice to you. Areas of the Site may have different terms of use posted. If there is a conflict between the Terms of Use and terms of use posted for a specific area of the Site, the latter shall have precedence with respect to your use of that area of the Site.

How VTL collects Personal Data

In most cases, we collect Personal Data directly from you. We will ask you for Personal Data when you interact with us, such as registering on our Apps or websites, signing up to receive a newsletter, making a purchase, signing up to receive marketing communications, or to provide VTL with services, goods or products.

How VTL uses Personal Data

VTL uses your Personal Data for the following Business Purposes:

(a) Business Purposes for Processing Personal Data pertaining to the Company’s Employees.

Personal Data pertaining to Professionals with whom VTL has a business relationship may be processed as needed: To initiate, develop, maintain or expand a business relationship, including negotiating, contracting, and fulfilling obligations under contracts; To send transactional communications (such as requests for information, responses to requests for information, orders, confirmations, training, and service updates); For account management, providing service, and dispute resolution purposes and reporting

(b) Business Purposes for Processing Personal Data pertaining to Consumers and other Individuals.

Personal Data pertaining to Consumers and other Individuals with whom VTL has a business relationship may be processed as needed: To provide the information, product, or service requested by the Individual, and as would be reasonably expected by the Individual given the context in which the Personal Data were collected, and the information provided in the applicable privacy statement For due diligence, including verifying the identity of the Individual, as well as the eligibility of the Individual to receive information, products, or services To send transactional communications (such as requests for information, responses to requests for information, orders, confirmations, training materials, and service updates To manage the Individual’s account, such as for customer service, finance, and dispute resolution purposes;

For risk management and mitigation

(c) Business-necessary Processing activities

VTL will collect and process its Customers Clients data only as instructed or permitted by our Client. VTL maintains appropriate security controls to protect the information.

Clients contact information:

We collect the Field Employees Clients information like his Name, Phone, Email for administering the App’s function & only after getting the required permission from our Customers

Clients GPS Location:

We collect location based data (GPS coordinates) through our geolocation feature from our Customers Field Employees to punch their Visits with their GPS location

Clients images:

We collect Company images if the Client has signed up for our App & has agreed to the use of this feature. This feature is optional & is only given if the Company has signed up for it. We do not share the collected images with any third party tool, or use it for any other process other than the one disclosed by the application. Images collected are stored for the duration the Client has signed up for the App’s services & the retention Period of 365 days after which they are automatically deleted from the system.

VTL may process Data for business management reporting, and analysis.

(d) Providing services. VTL may process Personal Data to provide the business services, analytics, and business intelligence.

Why and How Personal Data is disclosed by VTL

VTL commits to not provide your Personal Data to Third Parties. We limit our sharing of your Personal Data to:

VTL will only use your Personal Data for the purposes listed above Our service providers are bound to protect your Personal Data and only use your Personal Data in accordance with our instructions.

Our business partners, but only to the extent you have purchased a product or service from such a partner, interacted with such a partner, or otherwise authorized the sharing. Enforce our rights, protect our property, or protect the rights, property or safety of others, or as needed to support external auditing, compliance and corporate governance functions. We will also disclose Personal Data when required to do so by law.

Mobile & Desktop Applications

VTL offers mobile & Desktop applications that allow you to access your account, interact with us online, and receive other information via your mobile device. Personal Data collected by VTL via our mobile applications is protected by the terms of this Privacy Statement or our Privacy Statement for Client Employees, as applicable.

Communication Preferences

You may limit the information you provide to VTL. You may also limit the communications that VTL sends to you. To opt-out of commercial emails, simply click the link labeled “unsubscribe” at the bottom of any email we send you. Please note that if you are currently receiving services from VTL and you have decided to opt-out of promotional emails, this will not impact the messages we send to you for purposes of delivering such services.

If you have questions about your choices or if you need assistance with opting-out, please contact us via email to attendancesupport@ubitechsolutions.com.

Access, Correction, Erasure, and Other Individual Rights

VTL respects your right to access, correct, and delete your Personal Data, or object to the processing of your Personal Data. If you have an online account, you may log into your account to access, update, or delete the information you have provided to us. Additionally, you may contact attendancesupport@ubitechsolutions.com to request access to your data, and to exercise any of the individual rights afforded to you by VTL’s Privacy Code for Business Data, or by applicable data protection laws and regulations. VTL will respond to requests as soon as possible and in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

Information Security

VTL is committed to maintaining the appropriate organizational, technical, and physical controls to protect Personal Data entrusted to VTL. These controls protect Personal Data from anticipated threats and hazards as well as unauthorized access and use. In each case, VTL will strive to provide security that is proportional to the sensitivity of the Personal Data being protected, with the greatest effort being focused on protecting Sensitive Personal Data and other Personal Data whose compromise could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to the Individual.

Please note that you should also take steps to protect yourself, especially online. When you register at VTL websites or Apps, choose a strong password, and do not use the same password that you use on other sites. Do not share your password with anyone else. VTL will never ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call or in an unsolicited email. Also remember to sign out of the website and close your browser window when you have finished your work. This is to ensure that others cannot access your Personal Data and correspondence if others have access to your computer.

Data Retention

If you have applied for employment with VTL, the Personal Data submitted with your job application will be added to our recruitment system and used for recruitment and other customary human resources purposes in accordance with our VTL Applicant Privacy Statement.

Job Applicants

In no event will VTL App be liable for damages of any kind, including without limitation, direct, incidental or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, damages for lost profits, business interruption and loss of programs or information) arising out of the use of or inability to use VTL App’s website, or any information provided on the website, or in the Products any claim attributable to errors, omissions or other inaccuracies in the Product or interpretations thereof.

VTL Privacy Code for Business Data - Overview

The VTL Privacy Code for Business Data indicates the commitments VTL has implemented for Processing Personal Data pertaining to those Individuals with whom VTL has a business relationship (e.g. Individuals who represent VTL’s Clients, Suppliers and Business Partners, other Professionals, and Consumers) and other Individuals whose Personal Data are processed by VTL in the context of its business activities.

Business Purposes for Processing Personal Data pertaining to Professionals:

Business relationship management;

Business relationship due diligence;

Transactional communications;

Account management;

Quality control;

Risk management;

Security management;

Anonymize or de-identify Personal Data.

Business Purposes for Processing Personal Data pertaining to Users:

Provide requested information, products or services

Due diligence

Transactional communications;

Account management;


Business structuring activities

Reporting and analysis

Disaster recovery, business continuity and archiving

Quantity and Quality of Data

VTL shall establish and implement retention schedules so that records containing Personal Data are only retained as needed to fulfill the applicable Business Purposes, to comply with applicable legal requirements, or as advisable in light of applicable statutes of limitations. Personal Data should be accurate, complete, and kept up-to-date to the extent reasonably necessary for the applicable Business Purposes. It is the responsibility of Individuals to ensure that their Personal Data are accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

Individual Rights of Access, Rectification and Objection

Individuals have the right to request a copy of the Personal Data maintained by or on behalf of VTL. If the personal data are incorrect, incomplete, or not processed in compliance with applicable law or the VTL Privacy Code for Business Data, the Individual has the right to have the personal data rectified, restricted or erased (as appropriate). Additionally, Individuals have the right to object to a) the Processing of their Personal Data on the basis of compelling grounds related to their particular situation, or b) receiving direct marketing communications (opting-out).

Security and Confidentiality Requirements

VTL has implemented commercially reasonable and appropriate technical, physical, and organizational measures to protect Personal Data from misuse or accidental, unlawful, or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure, acquisition, or access. Access to Personal Data will be authorized only to the extent necessary to serve the applicable Business Purposes and VTL Staff with access to Personal Data will be subject to confidentiality obligations. VTL shall investigate all known or suspected Data Security Breaches and shall document the facts relating thereto, its effects and the remedial actions taken.

Direct Marketing

VTL respects the choices of Individuals and provides Individuals the choice to opt-in and opt-out of direct marketing. VTL will send direct marketing materials if the Individual has provided opt-in consent or if Applicable Law permits VTL to send marketing communications without explicit consent based on an existing business relationship.

Monitoring and Audit

VTL shall audit business processes and procedures that involve the Processing of Personal Data for compliance with the VTL Privacy Code for Business Data on a regular basis. Additionally, VTL will allow its Processing facilities to be audited as defined in the VTL Privacy Code for Business Data.

Complaints Procedure

Individuals covered by the VTL Privacy Code for Business Data may file a written complaint if they suspect that a member(s) of the VTL has violated the commitments made in the VTL Privacy Code for Business Data, as further defined in the VTL Privacy Code for Business Data. Complaints must be submitted in writing to the VTL support Team. Complaints may be submitted via email to attendancesupport@ubitechsolutions.com

VTL Privacy Statement for Client Employees

VTL has an internal Data Privacy Policy that applies to all affiliates and associates worldwide. The Data Privacy Policy helps us ensure that personal data is handled properly. The Data Privacy Policy governs personal data collected by VTL for its own purposes as well as information provided to us as a processor for our Clients. It protects information collected online as well as offline. VTL is committed to protecting the privacy and security of personal data that we process in order to provide services to our Clients. This Privacy Statement explains our practices with regard to the personal data we receive from our Clients as a processor. VTL will collect and process your personal data only as instructed or permitted by our Client or you. VTL maintains appropriate security controls to protect your information.

Employees contact information:

We collect the Employees Personal & Company information like his Name, Phone, Email for administering the App’s function & only after getting the required permission from the Employers

Employees GPS Location:

We collect location based data (GPS coordinates) through our geolocation feature from Employees to punch their Time IN/OUT with their GPS location.

Employees Selfies:

We collect Employees Selfie if the Client has signed up for our App & has agreed to the use of this feature. For this we capture the Employee’s Selfie for Attendance. This feature is optional & can be turned off by the Client for its Employees. We do not share the collected Selfies with any third party tool, or use it for any other process other than the one disclosed by the application. Selfies collected are stored for the duration the Client has signed up for the App’s services & the retention Period of 365 days after which they are automatically deleted from the system For Registered VTL App Clients: If your VTL Mobile account is inactive for more than 365 days, your login credentials will be suspended. The account will be deleted 180 days after account suspension.

Sensitive Personal Data

VTL processes sensitive personal data on behalf of your employer. VTL has implemented reasonable technical, physical and administrative safeguards to help protect the sensitive personal data from unlawful use and unauthorized disclosure. All VTL associates and contingent workers are required to follow these established procedures, both online and offline. Access to sensitive personal data is limited to those associates and contingent workers who have a need to access the information to perform tasks for VTL. VTL will only disclose sensitive personal data to service providers.

Questions about Your Personal Data

VTL is committed to transparency. We want individuals & clients to understand how we collect and use Employees personal data so they may interact with VTL with confidence. As an employee of an VTL Client, please reach out to your employer for more information regarding the collection and processing of your personal data.

VTL App & site Content

All content present on this site is the exclusive property of VTL App. The software, text, images, graphics, video and audio used on this site belong to VTL App. No material from this site may be copied, modified, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transmitted, posted or distributed in any form without prior written permission from VTL App. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Unauthorized use of the materials appearing on this site may violate copyright, trademark and other applicable laws, and could result in criminal or civil penalties.

We do not guarantee that

(a) our App will meet your requirements;

(b) will be available on an uninterrupted, timely or error-free;

Changes to this Privacy Statement

From time to time, we may update this Privacy Statement to reflect new or different privacy practices.

VTL App may change or discontinue any of its content at any time. VTL App reserves the right to change the terms and conditions applicable to its use. Such changes shall be effective immediately upon notice, which shall be placed on the Site.

Contact Us

Please contact us if you have questions, or comments kidly mail at attendancesupport@ubitechsolutions.com. Please provide your name, address, email address, and detailed information about your question, comment, or complaints.

E-mail: attendancesupport@ubitechsolutions.com

Phone: +91-6264345459

Last Update: 04-10-2022